Lured by the beautiful pictures I’ve seen in social medias (again!), I finally made a day trip from Bali mainland to Nusa Penida.
Most people spend their holidays on the mainland of Bali, and yes, I will suggest you to do that if it is your first time visiting Bali.
Other than the mainland, on the eastern side of Bali you will find The Nusa Island trios: Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan. Very much less crowded than the mainland, but I tell you, has one of the most beautiful pristine beaches I’ve ever seen. Pictures can’t do justice, but here’s to give you an idea:
If you have plan to Bali, please put Nusa Penida on your list. The island is a little secluded though (perfect for honeymoon or for couple trip, to be honest!). If quiet time is not your cup of tea, no worries cause you still can do a day trip from mainland Bali to here!
To get to Nusa Penida, you have to take a boat.
Most people take the fast boat from Sanur port (30 minutes car ride from Kuta). If you use Google Maps to search Sanur port like I did, it will be a little confusing since it will show you two ports (both in Sanur area). My suggestion is to just search ‘Warung Mak Beng’ (it’s a name of famous restaurant in Sanur), cause the fast boat shops will be just few meters from there.
The price for return boat trip from Sanur to Nusa Penida is Rp 150.000,- (locals). It is available from 07.00 – 15.00. There will be a lot of boat shops along the Sanur port, just go to one of them and find the departure time that suits you. I went with boat from Dwi Manunggal. The journey from Sanur to Nusa Penida took around 45 minutes.

To get around Nusa Penida, you can take motorcycle or car. But I recommend you to use car (I’ll tell you why later!). You can use ‘ojek’ (motorcycle with driver) to get around Nusa Penida also but the price is crazy, costs around Rp 500.000,- per person. Fortunately when we were on the boat, a guy came up to us and offered himself to be our car driver in Nusa Penida. After a little bit of bargaining, we agreed on Rp 500.000,- for car drive to 4 places: Angel’s Billabong, Broken Beach, Kelingking Beach, and Crystal Bay. All included, except the entrance tickets. (Komang, Nusa Penida driver: 0823 39980500)
I say don’t worry about finding a driver though, because once you get to the port, there will be a lot of drivers offer you their service. Just try to bargain so you don’t get ripped off for such crazy price.
Another tip: after arriving at a port in Nusa Penida, make sure you reserve the boat for your way back to avoid not getting a seat. The last boat schedule from Nusa Penida (around 4 to 5 PM) to Sanur are usually full.

Our first stop is Angel’s Billabong. Let me warn you that the road from the port to here is rough and rocky! There are many uphills too. It is so bad you can even get a car sick from the bumpy road (thankΒ God for Antimo we had earlier before). This is why I recommend you to use car instead of motorcycle. I saw people struggling with their motorcycle to get to here, they had to push the bike manually because of the rocky road.

Angel’s Billabong is one of the most photographed spot in Nusa Penida, surely. It offers you a natural infinity pool. You can go down to it when the water is not really deep but beware of the sharp rock, and better avoid the edges.
Please be extra careful if you choose to go down there. I read news about people getting injured or even drown because of the high tide and wave from the ocean. Remember, safety comes first.

You only need to walk and take some stairs from Angel’s Billabong to Broken Beach (Pasih Uug). The walk took around only 10 minutes.
The view is spectacular.

The icon of Nusa Penida, I guess? Cause this place is the one that come up to my mind every time I hear Nusa Penida.
Blame the peninsula that kinda looked like Dinosaur head from above, that is why Kelingking Beach is iconic. Depart early morning from Bali mainland, then you will have time to go down to the beach. Yes, there is path to go down to the beach but you have to take the stairs, took around 30 minutes. The climb back would be more tiring though, probably around an hour.
Just at the same location as Kelingking Beach, you will find this Pohon Cinta. This is actually just a tree. A dead tree. But from a really good angle, you can get really pretty pictures like this one:

The places that I stated above are actually on the west side of Nusa Penida. If you plan to stay for a night, you might as well visit the eastern side of Nusa Penida such as: Atuh Beach, Guyangan Waterfall, or Mushroom Bay. Those three are definitely on my list if I get to visit Penida again!
So, book a flight to Bali right away, shall we?
Rp 300.000,- (return boat Sanur-Penida, Rp 150.000 per pax)
Rp 500.000,- (car and driver, gas included)
Rp 30.000,- (entrance tickets, per car)
_____________________________________________________ +
Rp 830.000,- orΒ Rp 415.000,- per pax
*The price could be lower if you are travelling in a group of 3 or more cause you can split the bill for the car rent. Could be as low as Rp 325.000 for traveling as a group of 3, or Rp 305.000 for traveling as a group of 4.
kak beli tiket fast boat sanur-nusa penida lsg di pelabuhan ya? atau bs beli online dl? klo beli di pelabuhan sanur nya apa bs lsg beli buat pp juga? terima kasih π blog nya so helpful anw π
Beli tiket langsung di pelabuhan Sanur. Beli online bisa tapi biasanya via tour guide. Di pelabuhan Sanur memang beli tiket untuk PP kok, tapi ketika sampai di pelabuhan Penida tetap harus book untuk jam-nya supaya pasti dapat seat pulang di jam tertentu.
Blog nya bagus.
Saya juga baru saja dari Nusa Penida minggu lalu. Memang Pulau tersebut menampilkan keindahan alam luar biasa. Saya booking online paket tour di eruption fast cruise kebetulan sedang ada promo. Booking online di
Saya ambil paket island tour, jadi satu hari saja ke Nusa Penida. Beberapa bulan lagi akan kembali lagi untuk mencoba ambil paket Manta, jadi bisa berenang sambil melihat Manta.
Salam kenal.
Wah, seru sekali bulan depan balik lagi untuk bertemu Manta Ray. Saya juga ingin ke Penida lagi karena masih banyak spot di Penida yang belum sempat disinggahi hehe π Salam kenal juga, Anthony.
Hi ananda terima kasih sebelumnya sudah berkunjung ke Nusa Penida, kini sudah banyak spot baru untuk tour di Nusa Penida seperti Diamond Beach dan lain-lain. Semoga ada waktu dan kesempatan lagi untuk mengunjungi pulau kami.
Terima kasih sudah membuat tulisan terbaik dengan photo-photo berkualitas tentang Nusa Penida Bali.
Sampai Jumpa Lagi ya di Nusa Penida
Thank you for the kind words! Iya, kemarin hanya sehari di Nusa Penida dan tidak cukup ya. Harus 2-3 hari supaya puas hehehe. Wah, Diamond Beach ya, will note it. Semoga bisa ke Nusa Penida lagi π
iya memang harus lebih dari 3 hari, sekakian snorkeling mbk. kan murah cuma 500rb/pax. terima kasih, jangan lupa menulis lagi ya. kami akan selalu membaca postingannya
Kalo ada yang mau ke nusa penida tanggal 22 juli 2019 untuk one day trip mungkin bisa joinπ saya ber 2 sama teman saya
Kami tunggu ya kedatangannya mbk. Semoga ada yang diajak ramai-ramai. Kami punya paket 350K/person tapi minimal 6 person. Itu sudah termasuk tiket fastboat bolak balik, mobil dan pemandu, makan siang di Restoran dan lain-lain. Tidak ada lunch box, namun kami lebih spesial langsung makan di Restoran. Pelayanan dijamin puas dan menyenangkan, kalo tidak garansi uang kembali 100%. semoga One Day Trip Nusa Penida berjalan lancar. Kalau berminat ini WA nya. 0818 0548 7066
Mbk jenifer mohn maaf pasang nomor wa nggh. kalo tidak berkenan dihapus saja nggih. Terima kasih dan Suksma
Haloo.. mau nanya kalo waktu itu lunch nya gmn ka? disana tu banyak resto gitu ato gimana? hehe
Nggak banyak resto disana. Mending makan dulu sebelum berangkat, atau bawa bekal.
Nusa penida memang gak ada matinya, saya 2 x ke sana, gak pernah bosan, dan pingin lagi dan lagi ke sana.
banyak tempat tempat menantang dan indah di sana.
sekarang jalan jalan nya sudah bagus di sana, dulu pas saya ke sana jalannya masih mburadul..hehehe
Iya nih saya juga pengen ke Penida lagi hehe